Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin' Pickin' at Walsh Farms

We joined a "MOMS" group a few weeks back and this day we did a trip to Walsh Farms for some pumpkin picking!  Some of the women have kids in Crew's Tumblebees class and some in the Mother Goose was great to meet up with some other stay at home Mommys because unfortunately all of Mommy's friends who have kids work.  It is a fabulous group and they plan all types of activities...and it is not just playgroups...they do great things like deliver every month for Meals on Wheels, send items and support the troops overseas, sponsor families for Christmas and on and on...and of course tons of fun things planned for the kids and Mommys!  This group should keep us busy and we are excited to be a part of it!
Hi "Moo" cow!
Crew fighting for the John Deer! haha!
Lost in the hay maze!
This weekend Daddy, Mommy and Crew need to find him a Halloween costume!!!  Hopefully we find something cute :)

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