Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crewsie's 18 month doc appt.

Crewsie had his 18 month well-child visit today and all is good!

Weight:  29 lbs. 8 ozs. (90th %)
Height:  34"  (95th %)
Head:  50.2 cm (97th %)
Crew got two shots:  Hep A and his flu shot...they also did an iron test and his levels were great!

We have one BIG baby boy!  Everything check out well and Dr. Reynolds was very happy with how Crewsie is doing!  She was laughing because at his last visit she thought Crew was start to "level off" as far as his growth goes...but she said he definitely had another growth spurt!  We told her that he consistently says five words:  Momma, No!, Hot!, Up!, and What's that (and now sometimes he says What's this? funny!)  I told her that he will start saying some words (like 'Elmo,' which sounds more like Emo) and then I never hear him say them again?!?  She said this is completely normal...I just think it is so weird that he obviously knows how to say them, but then has no interest and moves on to something else!  I guess I'm just so excited to have a conversation with him...haha!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures of him in the scale!!!
Momma looks a little drunk, but I promise I wasn't...haha!
"Daddy, why do you keep taking pictures of me!?"
Waiting for the doc...

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