Friday, October 15, 2010

Boo at the Zoo with Crew!

Monday we went to the Akron Zoo and they were all decorated for Halloween!  Daddy was off work so he went with us along with Grandpa and Grandma Eddy!  It was the perfect day to go...great weather and no crowds!  We walked around for a couple hours, looked at all of the animals, rode the carousel and then Crewsie passed out on the ride home from all of the fun!
About to was scary!
Daddy, Grammy and Crewser
Grammy, Daddy, Grandpa and Crewser
Mommy trying to keep Crew from jumping over the fence because he was so excited to ride the carousel!
My munchkin!
This carousel was BEAUTIFUL!  All of the hand painted animals were gorgeous!
Round and round we go...
Follow me!
I love how they were cuddling with one another.

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