Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just Crewsie...

I love this shirt that my Mom found for Crewsie..."Scare Crew!" cute!  We had a great weekend of more pumpkin picking at Ramseyer Farm, Halloween costume shopping (Crewsie is going to be a pirate....Argghhhh!) and being outside trying to soak up all of the sun before the cold weather hits!  Below are pics of Crew playing on the newest contraption....and he LOVES it!  I bought it a few weeks ago and he still continues to constantly play on it...he gets more daring everyday with the climbing!  It is one of the best things I've bought for him...we plan on putting it in the basement with some of his other outside toys for the Winter months!

A couple new funny things that Crewsie is doing:  he all of sudden LOVES playing with his toes!  He pulls off his socks when he is sitting on the couch, in his car seat, etc. and sits and pulls his toes apart and picks the lint out...then just looks at all of his toes and inspects is hysterical to watch his facial expressions while he is doing this!  We always joke and say that he has stinky feet so now he pinches his nose like they stink...again, so funny!  Oh, and his 16th and final little baby tooth poked through!  Hopefully, the second year molars will hold off for a while...I feel like he has had some type of tooth (or two) coming through since he was 6 months old...his little mouth needs a break!

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