Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Staying busy...

We've been busy the last week!  Soccer, swimming, road trip to Charlotte for a wedding, etc.!  And how cute is baby Isla!?!?  The little one turned 4 months old on July 17th!  Time goes by waaaayyy toooo fast!  For a while I thought she was looking like her Daddy, but the older she gets the more she seems to favor her Mommy (especially in these pics!).
Below, Crewsie is riding the Catawba Queen on Lake Norman, North Carolina!  Crew was the ring bearer in Uncle Dave and Aunt Allison's wedding over the weekend.  He looked so incredibly adorable in his little outfit...I can't wait to post pics!
On the car ride down!  This kid does phenomenal in the car...such a great little traveler!
And his last soccer game was Monday!  He got a medal at the end and I think it was his favorite part!

He was awfully proud of himself!
Mommy and Crewsie on a lazy Monday morning :)
We don't have a garden, but we did plant a few tomato plants (and some basil, cilantro, etc.) in some pots.  He loves picking the "red" tomatoes.  The other morning he picked a big bowl and then said he wanted to eat them for breakfast!
I think for a 3 yr. old he has pretty decent eating habits.  Sure he likes sweets and some junk like every kid, but overall he does good.  He even eats salad (albeit with Ranch), but still I'm proud of him!
Okay, I never get political on here, but my Dad sent me this and I thought it was pretty funny!

1 comment:

  1. Brit, please post and tag us in your pics from the wedding. -David
