Thursday, July 26, 2012

A whole lot of randomness...

Once again my blog is not cooperating!!!  UGHHHH...AHHHH...can you tell I'm frustrated!?!?!  I don't get day I'm able to upload pics and the next day it won't let me do anything...I've never had this issue before and its driving me nuts.  In the mean time I will have to settle with posting more phone pics.

Above pic is from last weekend when we were up at Put-in-Bay.  We were there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and we had a blast!  Below is just a cute shot of Crewsie in the tub!
Tuesday morning Crew woke up with a 103.5 degree fever!  Yikes!  It only lasted a couple of days, but I feel so awful when my baby is sick :(  I think it was from all his hard partying over the weekend ;)
Throwing rocks at Put-in-Bay...typical little boy.
Aunt Tay sent me this pic...CRACKS ME UP!
Carousel ride at Put-in-Bay!
Today we did some shopping out at the's great because they have a train... and it's great bribery..."If you're good Crewsie you can ride the train when we're done!"  haha!
She looks just like Yaya don't ya think!?!
More carousel rides!
At the condo we stayed at on Put-in-Bay we had 2 double beds...Daddy slept in one and Mommy and Crew slept in the other.  This is how is slept for two nights...Daddy thought it was hysterical and Mommy was just tired :)
Gotta love sudsy little guy...

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