Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Can I get an AMEN or maybe a HALLELUJAH!?!?!  I think I finally fixed my blog problem!  You are probably not nearly as excited as I am, but I have so many pics that I've been wanting to share.  Plus, this blog kinda serves as our family scrapbook so I don't want to miss anything! 

This series of soccer pics is from Crewsie's very first practice/game!  It is a six week program and next Monday is already his last game.  I would say Crew is luke-warm on the whole soccer idea.  He loves to play the game, but to actually sit and listen....well, let's just say he's not into that!  As soon as he gets "bored" he is asking Daddy to go play on the playground or play basketball (which is right behind the soccer field).  Anyway, it was a great experience and we all at least got some giggles out of it!

 Above:  With his best buddies.  Below:  "Squashing" the ball like a bug!

Even Isla came to see Crewsie play :)

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