Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hilton Head Island - Part 1

We were on Hilton Head Island May 25th - June 2nd and we had a terrific time! My parents always vacation for 2 weeks in Hilton Head so the first week Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey stayed with them and then we stayed with them the second week. We overlapped a couple days with Blake and Casey so we could spend some time with them. This is the first time we have ever stayed with my parents and it really worked out great this year since I'm preggo. We had great weather, delicious food, and wonderful company!
Our first night there we all went out to San Miguel's for some Mexican!
Then we hit the beach the next day :) Crew could sit in the sand and play with his toys ALL day!
He even asked to bring his fishing pole! I think he thought he was going to catch some sharks!
Hudson's for seafood! Crew ate no less than 30 hushpuppies this joke! He loved dipping them in ketchup! I personally like mine with butter...YUM!

Then it was time for some putt-putt!

Ordering some lunch at the Westin.

Back at the beach in the evening.

Chasing Popa!

Daddy and his little buddy.

Family of three...about to be four!

All he wanted to do was jump in the pool! He is an absolute fish!

Dinner at The Wreck of the Salty Dog at South Beach!

Excuse my lovely gray nausea bands in these pics!

The below pic cracks me up every time I see it! I know it looks like he was screaming like a wild banchee but it was all in good fun!
Another round of putt-putt!

Love these two guys!

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