Friday, July 6, 2012

Between a rock and a hard place...

And that hard place being Crew's right nostril! Last night we made our first ( and hopefully last...knock on wood!) visit to the emergency room with Crew. First, let me tell you that he is perfectly fine. We were on our way to dinner and all of a sudden we hear Crew say from the back seat "it won't come out!" We asked "what won't come out of where?!" and he tells us an acorn from his nose! We immediately pull off of the road and I get in the back and I turn on a flashlight app that I have on my phone. I instantly see something brown wedged up his right nostril! I then see that he had his "lightning bug" net in the back seat with little acorns in it. I got a Kleenex and told him to blow his nose really hard. After a few futile attempts we knew we didn't have a choice but to go to the E.R. On our way I called the pediatrician and they said they didn't want to try and get it out because he is so little and they have special tools at the hospital for this type of incident...and they didn't want to have to "strap him down and make it worst and still not be able to remove it." Strap him down was all I heard and I thought oh lord what are we in for when we get to the hospital??? He wasn't crying or panicking so Greg and I didn't want to act upset either. We played it cool and said we were going to the doctor and they would get it right out and then we could continue to dinner! After we got checked in they informed us that it normally takes the doctor and a physicians assistant to remove it. The doc took a look and said he would get some "tools" and be back. I slightly panicked inside when I heard this. They come back to the room and take out this little curved tool and started for Crews nostril. Crew did great and didn't move and let them remove it without a peep...and it ended up being a rock, not an acorn! The doctor told us that he couldn't believe he let them remove it so easily...he said kids usually turn into different children and have to be sedated...thank goodness he cooperated! The doctor also double checked that Crew hadn't put anything up the other nostril or in his ears...which he hadn't. Greggy and I had a big talk with him at dinner about never ever putting anything in his nose or ears and only food goes in your mouth!!! When I was around 5 or 6 I stuck a Sixlet (a small candy) up my nose but I was old enough to blow it out...I guess it runs in the family! Haha!

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