Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Ya's birfday!"

It was Yaya's 54 birthday for the third year in a row on Septempber 6!  Hahahaha!  We swear every year she claims it's her 54 birthday again, but she is really 57 years young!  Popa sometimes tell Crewsie to yell "Ya!" instead of's pretty funny!  Anyway, we all got together to celebrate Mom's birthday this week at their house...Aunt Taytay made two DELICIOUS lasagnas and homemade tiramisu!!!!  YUMMY!!!  Mommy got the easy stuff and did salad and bread...I can cook, but Aunt Taytay can really cook (like my Mom)! 

Can you see the spit flying from his mouth!?!?!  Oh my!!!

Greggy brought me home flowers Friday evening...I had share because they were so pretty!

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