Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some new tunes and phone pics...

Crewsie loves music...and LOVES dancing to I put some of our favorite new songs on the blog!  So turn your volume UP!!!!  We love the new Pitbull song "Everything" and of course Bruno's new song with Eminem "Lighters."  I can only listen to Eminem, Jay-Z, Pitbull and maybe a few other rappers, but that's it...usually I hate it...but these songs are good!  The Florence and the Machine song is pretty good too...and I know everyone likes her, but I have been loving Adele...that girl can SING!!!  She is seriously so good!  I taped the MTV VMA's and almost all of these guys were there and Crew loves when the people are "live!"

Different subject...I try to take at least one pic everyday of Crewsie and text it to here are a few of the pics lately.  I love the pics of Crew in the morning...he is always so cuddly and warm!  We also visited Daddy at work the other week! 

Above pic taken Aug. 19th..........Below pic taken Aug. 31st

The above pic was today at Burger King.  We went to Crew's preschool open house and then he wanted to go to the playground...well, it was a little wet from the rain last night so the indoor playground was the next best thing!  By the way, he LOVED his teacher and classroom!

Above pic taken today (Sept.1).........Below pic taken Aug. 18th

Crewsie with Daddy at work!  He thought the elevator was sooooo fun!
And the below pic is from Aug. 27th at the Pine Tree Barn.  Me, my mom and sister love going to this place!  It is definitely a "girly" place and the food is so good!  It has an awesome store filled with furniture, Christmas items and all kinds of different stuff!  And in the winter they have horse and carriage rides and then you can cut down your own Christmas tree!

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