Friday, September 16, 2011

Just Crewser...

Nothing too exciting going on in the Eddy household this week.  Crew had his second day of preschool on Thursday and continues to LOVE it!  We are starting to get in the Fall spirit...Crewsie already suckered me in to buying 8 pumpkins ...they are the tiny little ones but still he cracks me up.  He likes to go for bike rides on his tricycle so every night I take him on a little ride around the neighborhood....I follow by foot usually steering him in the right direction or being told to "push harder Mommy" so he goes faster!  Last night he wanted to collect acorns...we ended up with a grocery bag full!  Now I need to figure out what to do with them!  I really need to get out my fall stuff and decorate the house a little because before you know it we will be decorating for Christmas...haha!

Tonight we are going to the highschool football game...Crewsie loves football and literally has been begging us to take him to a game.  Every time he sees a football game on t.v. he tells us he wants to go!  We will see how long he actually sits still and watches the game!?!?!
The above pic he was looking into my lens so I snapped a pic...gotta love the inquisitive look on his face!
Such fake, cheesy smile...what a goofball!

He draws with his sidewalk chalk almost everyday...everything has been drawn on with the tires, his tractor, shoes, EVERYTHING has chalk dust on it!

Such a cutie...even with a slightly runny nose!

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