Friday, September 30, 2011

Trains and trails...

Last weekend we took a drive up to Peninsula to visit a couple of pumpkin places and to see the trains and walk some of the metropark trails.  Crewsie had been talking all week about going to "the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins" and kept asking about the Polar Express.  Well, it's not quite time for the Polar Express, but we figured we could at least try to take him somewhere to see a train.  So, we headed to Peninsula to kill both birds with one stone.  It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun!

First, we stopped at Heritage Farms and walked around a little and then headed down the road to Szalay's, which is an awesome little farmers market.  They had tons of pumpkins, gourds, and food!  We got some roasted corn on the cob and Crewsie loved chowing down on it on our way to the metropark.  We walked around the parks for a while and even got to hear the trains and then saw one.  I cannot tell you how much Crew LOVES trains...he was sooooo excited to see the big trains and to hear them!  Then we walked to Fisher's to grab a bite to eat and then headed home with our pumpkins!
Crewsie doing his best Chris Farley imitation!
Crewsie was about 38" when we stood him up straight, Mommy measured at about 5'9" and Daddy at 6'2" was actually right!

Crewsie loved the giant swing and walking around looking at the enourmous selection of pumpkins!
The pumpkins below were called "Cinderella pumpkins" and they were so pretty...but they were about $40 each, so we passed!

I couldn't believe how cheap their gourds were...and they were HUGE!

Crewsie loved this place!

I love places like this!

He devoured his roasted corn on the cob!

Beautiful autumn day!  I wish the Fall season lasted about six months of the year!

We could start to hear the train coming, so we tried to get to an area where we could see it through the woods.

Downtown little Peninsula....

Polar Express tickets go on sale this Monday morning at 6 a.m....and I will be up waiting on the computer to buy ours at 5:45 a.m.!!!!  Can't wait....we are soooooooooooooooooo very excited!

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