Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cowboy Crew...

Crewsie riding his new horsey from Yaya and Popa...this is from Christmas Day.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crew's Christmas Story...

We had a wonderful, fun-filled, relaxing Christmas this year!  We tried to cut back on going back and forth from house to house all on Christmas Day, so Christmas Eve we spent with Greg's family and Christmas Day we opened presents at home and then went to my parents for the afternoon.  The festivites started off on Thursday, the 23rd, at Popa and Yaya's annual Christmas Eve Eve party.  Everyone had a great time and Crewsie even got an early Christmas gift from Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey...a Dancestar Mickey and he loves him!  Christmas Eve we had dinner and opened gifts and the Eddy's and Christmas morning Crew opened his gifts from Santa and then we had brunch at Popa and Yaya's and opened up more gifts!  Greg, Crew and I are all very spoiled and we greatly appreciate everyone's thoughtful and generous gifts!
Yaya, Crew Bear, and Popa
I love my Mickey!
Uncle JoeJoe and Aunt TayTay (fyi: Crew is now saying JoeJoe very well and all of the time!)
Crewser's new car from Popsie and Grammy Cooper!  They also got him a fire engine, which he loves!
Aunt Casey's niece, Natalia!
Natalia's little sister, Olivia!  Crew kept wanting to hold her and we told him he had to sit on the couch first.
Uncle Blake and Olivia...Blakey got a little burnt in the tanning booth, but he has a legit excuse (kind of!) because he leaves for Mexico on Sunday...I'm JEALOUS!
Look at his face - he cracks me up!
Grammy and Popsie Cooper
Crewsie with Grammy
Christmas Eve at Grammy and Grandpa Eddys house!
Crew playing Santa!
Crew in his new slippers...they are supposed to teach him how to tie his shoes, also have velcro and zippers!
He opened every one of his gifts...I was really surprised!
Laying on his new sleeping bag while opening up more gifts...he was getting a little lazy...haha!
Uncle Dave and Allison
Corina and Uncle Brian
I love the look on his face in the above picture...doesn't he look like he was up to something!?!  He was...he had just taken a couple bites of cookie and I told him those were for Santa...he didn't care!  I told him he was lucky that Santa liked to share!
Then he decided he wanted some of Santa's milk too!
We said goodbye to the Elves (because they leave with Santa on Christmas Eve to go back to the North Pole) and wrote a little note to the big man!  See ya next year Santa!  After Crewsie went to bed Mommy and Daddy exchanged gifts (it's tradition that we exchange on Christmas Eve!)...then Christmas morning it was all about Crewsie!  Thanks for my gift babe...I love it!
Below are the pics from Christmas morning!  Haha...gotcha Daddy!  A little blurry probably because I was laughing!
Crew L O V E D his new kitchen!  It was the most "Manly" kitchen and grocery cart that I could find...Greg was making fun of me, but I knew he would love it and he did!  It was a little hard to get him to open the rest of his gifts after he saw this!  He picked up on it right away and was bringing us coffee and putting dishes in the was sooooo cute!
He also loved this toy that Santa brought!
Santa also brought some "bbq" food for the kitchen!
Eating his corn on the cob!
Only tough guys wear a chef's hat...hahaha!
It lasted about 3 seconds!
Crewsie loves his new dolphin, whale, shark, and fishes for the bath!
Gift time at Yaya and Popa's!  While we were eating brunch Popa and Yaya surprised us all with our first gift...a weekend at Kalahari!  All of us are going the weekend of Feb. 5th (Greg, Me, Crew, Mom, Dad, Blake, Tay, Joe, and Casey!)  We are all very excited and I know Crew will just love it!
His new Radio Flyer horsey from Yaya and Popa!  I can't even tell you how much he loved this!
Uncle Blakey's first tool box...hahahahaaaaaaaaa!
One of his gifts from Uncle JoeJoe and Auntie Tay...if you ask him who got it for him he says JoeJoe!
His new table!
Crew's new lazy boy from Yaya and Popa!  So many awesome gifts for the little man and us!
Gram and Pops and Grammy Fisher came back over on Christmas to visit!
Back home after a long, fun Christmas!