Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The weekend...

Here are a few pictures from over the weekend!  As you know Crew absolutely loves being outside...his new thing is trying to pull or drag everything!

Daddy and Crewsie
Helping Daddy mow the lawn! 
Pulling the mower!
He is growing up waaaaaay toooooooo fast!!!
I forgot to mention on our blog that Crew has stopped nursing...he got almost 13 full months of breast milk! I wish I could say he never got formula, but the first week we supplemented about one bottle a day of formula until my milk fully came in.  He actually stopped April 6th (and I stopped pumping April 21st), but since I use this blog as a pseudo journal I want to make sure I remember the dates!  I am very good with keeping up with his baby book, but I like to keep track of it on the blog in case something would ever happen to the, his book is almost filled up!  He also has TWO new teeth...his upper first molars poked through about a week that makes TWELVE teeth!  It is so weird seeing him with an almost mouth full of little teeth...I kind of miss that little "gummy" smile :)

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