Monday, May 17, 2010

2 Part Post: Mother's Day and Bon Voyage!

Mother's Day Part 2!  We celebrated Mother's Day with my side of the family last Friday!  We had a great time with everyone...a very enjoyable and relaxed evening!

It's hard to get eveyone looking at the camera and eyes here are a couple shots...haha! 
The best sister that anyone could ever ask for! 
Crew loves his ball! 
 Yaya giving him a lickof beer...

I would love to know what he is thinking!
Handsome boy!
Gammy Fisher talking to Casey and Blake
Popsie relaxing! 
Gram Cooper and Joe
I love my Auntie Tay!

This is the second part of the post...we sold our boat!  After eleven years (we bought it summer of 99') of great memories we decided to sell the boat!  We sold it to an attorney in Chicago and he will be keeping it in front of his lake home on Lake Michigan!  Life is just getting busier and busier and right now we don't have the time we would like to enjoy the boat...but I know again one day we will buy another one!  It is a wooden boat, so it is a lot of up-keep for Daddy!  For now we can use Uncle Brian's sailboat on Lake Erie or my grandparents boat on Berlin Lake!
Saying one last goodbye to the boat!
Below are some older pics of the boat when we had it on Lake Erie!
Getting ready to head to the marina!
Our boat next to Greg's parents boat in their building.
Such a pretty boat!
Headed to the lake for the season!
Even Tiki made trips to the boat!  Obviously, these are when she was just a little puppy! 
Soooo many wonderful memories and experiences!  We would sail every weekend and it was our little getaway!  There are endless funny/scary/exciting moments when we would sail.  Like the time we were at the Wooden Boat Regatta in Huron and tried to leave to go back to our marina in Sandusky.  The weather and wind was so bad once we got out on the lake Greg and I were panicing and trying to throw on our life vests and I thought we were done!  I got roses the next week at work...that should say enough!  And of course the time we got stuck out on the lake with no wind and it was 95 degrees with bugs and we were both miserable and Greg got in the dinghy and was driving around the boat in circles...I was probably screaming or crying at this point!  Or the time we had our friends up on the boat (and Kim was pregnant!) and we ran the boat aground!  Oh the memories!  I could go on and on...we look back on all these stories and laugh!  We can't wait to one day create more memories (maybe the less scary ones) with our children!
Greg always used to think it was so funny to take unflattering shots of me...hahahaha!  I know you'll love this honey! 

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