Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun week with Crewser...

Crew and I have had a very fun-filled week.  We really didn't do anything special...just hung around the house and played outside A LOT because of the beautiful weather!  We went on lots of wagon, cozy coupe, and stroller rides around the neighborhood!  Some of Crew's favorite toys are his baseballs, tennis balls, and bouncy balls.  He loves throwing them, kicking them and trying to bounce them all around the yard.  This week he also started saying "ball" (although it sounds more like "bah")!  He also has been saying for a while now "What's that" or "What's this" (although these sound more like "Whatsat" and Whatsis")! 

Some of Crewsie's new foods are scrambled eggs, peaches, pineapple and he even took a few bites of my kiwi this morning.  Sometimes he won't try anything new and then other times he gobbles it up!  I think his favorite is still peanut butter toast in the morning with yougurt (we use the natural peanut butter so it's a little healthier for him!).
Trying to help Mommy with the yard work!
Wagon ride number 118 for the week...just kidding, but close!
Love his little Crocs!
He is getting much better at walking up and down first he would just walk right off and fall!
Yesterday Greg and I joked on the way to his eye doctor appointment that he would say "What's that" to the doctor...and sure enough he said it to the nurse! She was getting ready to put eye drops in his eyes to dialate them and he said "Whatat?" She looked at us and said "Did he just ask "what's that"!?!?" It was so funny and of course Greg and I started laughing and said yes, he says it all the time and points to things! We were are the eye doctor for precautionary measures and as it turns out everything is great with Crew's eyes and the doc said they are very healthy! When we were at his one year check-up we told the pediatrician that his eyes looked a little misaligned and she agreed so we made an appt. with a specialist. He has pseudostrabismus (which means the false appearance of misaligned eyes). It is very common in young kids...mainly because the bridge of their noses aren't fully developed yet and it tends to make the eyes look crossed, or like one is going in more than the other. Crew's eyes are aligned perfectly straight it just sometimes appears to look different!
Poor little guys eyes were still dialated, but he wanted to be outside...I think the sun and reflections were bothering him!
This morning...sometimes this is the only way I can get laundry done...ha!
Ok, I'm done Momma!
Another one of his new favorite toys!

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