Monday, May 3, 2010

Crew and his little visitor...

Friday night Crewsie had a little visitor, Natalia!  Natalia is Auntie Casey's niece (her sisters little girl)!  She will be two mid June and she could not have been any more nice to Crew...although, she was a little scared of him!  It was so funny to see Crew walking up to her and talking baby was his own language and she had NO CLUE what he was saying (because she speaks English..haha!) was hysterical!  Every where Natalia went Crew would follow, but then she would get scared had to be there...Greg, Casey and myself were all laughing!  He kept reaching out to hug her and even tried to kiss her a couple times!  (Our house looks a little disheveled because we are rearranging our makes no sense now with kids to have a "formal" living room, so we are making it a second family room!  We are waiting on new carpet and hopefully within the next week things will be back to normal...I'm a little OCD and it is driving me crazy!)
Crew talking his baby talk!
Can you see Natalia's hesitation?!?! haha!
What a goofball!
This was after Natalia left and getting ready for a bath...I was trying to get a shot of his messy little face!

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