How could you not love that little face!?!? This is how Crew wakes up in the morning, always in a good mood...he must take after his Daddy because it takes Mommy a while to wake up!
Crewser absolutely loves these books you see him "reading!" They are called "Funny Faces" books and they are bright and colorful, rhyme, and even have sound at the end! I think he has almost all of them...Charlie Monkey, Rusty Robot, Alien Al, Rocky Dog and on! He also loves the DK "Peek-a-boo" books...he will sit on my lap and want me to keep reading so he can look under the flaps to see the surprise! Mommy loves reading and hopefully, he has a lifelong love of books!
Swimmin' with Yaya!
He was looking pretty warm so Mommy was making sure he had enough H2O! Crew seems to really like the straw sippy cups...although, they are not non-spill!
After Crew's morning nap we did a little shopping this afternoon...Mommy needed a break from the hot weather! He was such a good boy getting in and out of the car and being very patient with Momma. We got some more books at Barnes & Noble and Crew even got a cookie before we left along with Mommy's iced coffee...and wouldn't you know he wanted a sip...and LOVED it! I only let him take a couple sips ...afterall, it was only decaf!
Before his afternoon nap (already pretty tired!) and not too happy that Mommy told him to put the wine bottle down!
Hope everyone has a very safe and relaxing MEMORIAL DAY weekend!