Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Polar Express!

All Aboard the Polar Express!!! This was our third year doing the Polar Express train ride to the North Pole! Crew really "got it" this year and it gave me so much enjoyment seeing how much fun he was having. This is the earliest we have gone...usually we go the first week or two in December. Honestly, I didn't want to be 38 weeks preggo on the train! Aunt Tay jokingly said "Oh come on, you don't want to be the first pregnant lady to give birth to an elf on the Polar Express!?!?" The short answer...HECK NO! I prefer a nice hospital room, an epidural, and for my doc to deliver the baby and not Santa Claus ;)
This year it was Me, Crewsie, Yaya and Grammy!

Shoveling popcorn!
The below pic is when Santa arrived!
Below is when we arrived at "The North Pole!" He was in awe. They make an entire village and decorate with tons of lights. And the elves are always on the streets waving to the kids and being silly!

He wouldn't let go of his golden ticket the entire ride (except to take a bite of popcorn!). I think he may have been more excited for the conductor to punch his ticket then he was to see Santa!?!?

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