Thursday, November 8, 2012


We had our annual little Halloween party last Saturday (normally trick-or-treat is always on Halloween, but it got moved this year because of Hurricane Sandy!).  Crewsie had so much fun running from house to house this year with his friends trick-or-treating!  I feel like we have been celebrating Halloween forever this year...haha!  We got all the decorations put away and now on to Christmas!
Frankenstein showed up this year (aka: Popa)!!!  The kids actually thought he was pretty cool and were not scared of him! 
I didn't get any pics of the kids actually trick-or-treating (or many good pics overall)!  I've been a little lazy with the camera lately :(
I think Crewsie was pretty sugared up by this point!!!
Isla even got in on the action...she loved Crew's sword!
And there she goes!!!  Such a precious little munchkin!

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