Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Last Saturday Aunt Taytay and Yaya had a little "sprinkle" for me (aka: small shower for baby girl!)!  I really appreciated all of the wonderful baby girl gifts we received!  She got so many adorable little outfits, tons of hair bows (YAY!), a new musical mobile, a new video monitor, stroller and lots and lots of other goodies!  It was a nice and relaxing evening!  I even got all of her clothes washed and we are just waiting for her big arrival :)
Like I said in a previous post, I've been horrible with pics lately.  Luckily Aunt Tay picked my camera up and took a few!  Although I really regret not getting one with everyone and especially not one of me with Tay :(
Don't I seem excited about hair bows!?!?  haha!  After having a boy first I was really looking forward to this :)
Peek-a-boo with Isla!  The little stinker already knows how to wave and patty cake...what a smart little cookie!
And crazy Aunt Casey....maybe her new nickname will be Aunt Crazy!?!  Thanks so much for everything was VERY much appreciated by me and baby girl!!!

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