Thursday, November 1, 2012

Peninsula trip...

We rode up to Peninsula a couple of weeks ago to go for a nature hike!  We actually took Crewsie's bike too because of the great bike path.  He rode for a little while and then got tired so we pushed him in his stroller :)  Glad we got outside during the first few weeks of October because the last several days have been really crappy around thanks to hurrican Sandy :(
Daddy and his little these guys!
We stopped as Szalay's for some corn on the cob...yum!
Pumpkins!  Or as Crew calls them "Pumpklins!"

The trees really changed early this year and then fell off early :(
Last weekend we carved our pumpkins!  Because of hurricane Sandy our trick-or-treat got moved from Oct. 31st to this Saturday Nov. 3rd.
I was the official "scooper-outter!"
My little pumpkin...

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