Monday, November 12, 2012

Preggo update...

Well, I'm officially 34 weeks and 2 days along!  Not much exciting really going on with the pregnancy today.  Some days I have a ton of energy and I'm in major nesting mode and other days I'm pretty darn tired and don't feel like doing much of anything.  The last few days though I've had A LOT of energy.  I finished the nursery (pics to come soon!), organized and washed everything for the princess, spruced up Crew's room, even made a big dent in the Christmas shopping, and got done a lot of little projects that I wanted completed before baby girl arrives!  Feels great to check thinkgs off my list.

I haven't gotten around to it and I wanted to document on the blog that back at around 28 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  I failed my one hour glucose test at 140 (I guess depending on what doctor you go to they fail you anywhere between 130 and 140).  So I just missed the mark and had to go back in for the three hour test.  Well, I was SHOCKED when the doctor office called me back and said I failed...BOOOOO!!!  I was so mad, sad, shocked, worried, etc., etc.  I really thought I would have no problems and the first test was just a glich because of what I ate prior to the appt.  I had only gained about 15 lbs. at this point (I gained, in total, 39 lbs. with Crew, so I thought I was doing so good this time around!), was active, eating pretty darn good, had no swelling and my blood pressure was great. Anyway, they draw four blood first number had to be under 95 (mine was 76...passed!), second number had to be under 180 (mine was 199...failed!), third number had to be under 155 (and guess what mine was failed!), and fourth had to be under 140 (mine was 81...passed!).  Regardless of how close I was the doctor still considered it a failed test....albeit very, very borderline.  I had to go visit a diabetic dietician and get a glucose meter and go over the gestational diabetes diet.  Honestly it hasn't been bad at all to follow the diet...the biggest thing I've had to change in my diet is adding protein.  I'm not a big meat eater so this has been the most challenging part.  I've been able to control my sugar through diet and exercise and my sugar numbers have been perfect (pray they stay this way!). 

Baby girl is measuring on track and everything else looks good so far.  The most shocking part was when the doc told me I would have to be going in for weekly non-stress tests and most likely will have to be induced a week early.  She broke this news to me a few weeks ago and I admit I started crying in the office and just felt totally overwhelmed.  Not about the non-stress tests (although why do non-stress tests tend to stress people out!?!?) but because of being induced early.  I was four days past due with Crew and had to be induced, but I HATE the thought of being induced before my due date.  I was really, really hoping to go into labor naturally this time around.  The news has sunk in at this point and I will do whatever is best for baby and me....all I'm looking for is a healthy outcome for baby girl and me!  Oh, and the BIG news....we decided on a name, but its a secret!!!!  hahaha!!!
These pics are me at 33 weeks!

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