Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vacation camera phone pics...

I'm still working on getting vacation pics uploaded, so here are just a few from the handy camera phone (aka: lazy way of posting pics). 

Above:  on our way to Florida...the sleeping only lasted about half an hour...little man doesn't sleep well in the car just like his Momma.

Below:  One night we stopped and stayed in a hotel after 12+ hours driving...little man always in a good mood :) 

Our favorite place in Bonita Springs...Coconut Jacks...YUM! Sits right on the water and we love it! I think he was thinking "Wow, Momma, that is one big drink!"
He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED playing on the beach in the sand.

Another one of my huge drinks...haha! Our favorite Mexican place down there...Iguana Mia!

Crewsie on the way home...this is what happens when you run out of entertainment!

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