Sunday, March 4, 2012

SOOOOO behind....

On my blog posts!  We have been under the weather started with Crewsie and today Momma woke up with a sore throat...yuck!  Anyway, I thought I'd share a few camera phone pics since they are easy to post.  The above photo was from last Thursday before little man and Momma headed to "peeschool."

Last Friday we did a little shopping for his upcoming 3rd birthday!!!  We went to the party store and I let him pick out what theme he wanted.  He kept looking at the Toy Story stuff and a pirate theme, but in the end he choose the pirates!  So a pirate party it is :)  I also saw a "fair" theme (complete with popcorn and hotdog cute), maybe next year I can talk him into that?!

Momma also recently signed Crewsie up for soccer!  It's a 3 year old league and it starts the first week of June for 5 or 6 weeks.  A lot of Crewsie's friends signed up too, so we are very excited!

Uncle Blakey and Aunt Casey took Crew and Natalia to dinner and Build-A-Bear last weekend!  He picked a penguin and named him "Puffer!"
We started the week off great being able to play outside in the sunshine!

Then Tuesday morning Crewsie bear woke up with a temperature :(
So, we've done a lot of this...which drives me crazy...can you say cabin fever!?
Wednesday we had another gorgeous day (65 and sunny..crazy!) so he was feeling a little better and wanted to go outside.  I couldn't tell him no, so we went on a little wagon ride around the neighborhood.
Thursday and Friday he still had a fever but doing its developed into a little cough, but he seems to be on the mend.  Now, it's my turn for the cold.  After this week, the below picture sums up how I feel!  haha!

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