Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby Isla is here!

Isla Lauren (Lauren in Tay's middle name too!) entered this world on Saturday, March 17th, 2012 at 6:27 p.m.!!!  St. Patty's Day baby (holiday birthdays seem to run in our family!).  She weighed in at 6 lbs. 4 ozs. and 19" long!  She has the cutest little nose and lips and lots of beautiful brown hair...she is just perfect!  Tay and Joe are beyond thrilled as is the rest of our family!  Congrats Auntie Tay and Uncle two are already WONDERFUL parents!
A bit about the birth story...
Tay was having a tiny bit of an issue with her blood pressure, so her doc sent her to the hospital last Friday to have it checked out a little more.  I drove her in to the hospital around 1:30 p.m.  When we got to Triage they started monitoring the baby, Tay's blood pressure, took some blood, etc.  All was good except her blood pressure was still a little elevated and not coming down like they were hoping, so they said it's time to have this baby!  They got her admitted and checked in to Labor and Delivery Room #10!  Daddy Joe came shortly after she was checked in...Yaya, Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey also showed up a little while later. 

The docs started her on Cytotec and some Magnesium.  The Magnesium instantly made Tay feel awful :(  So all night she kept getting the Cytotec to prepare her for labor and Pitocin was started the next morning.  Aunt Casey and I drove in Saturday morning to see how everything was going and visit for a while.  All was good and she was slowly progressing.  After a few hours we left to go home and knew we would be going back in a couple of hours.  I was home a couple of hours when my mom called to tell me Tay was having the baby.  And within minutes my mom called me back and told me she had a baby girl!  To make a very long and scary story short the baby's heart rate started dropping and she was delivered within minutes following an emergency c-section.  I was scared to death and I can't even imagine what was going through Tay and Joe's heads and how they must have been feeling.  But the end result is magnificent and they have a healthy and happy baby girl!  They are home now and Momma, Daddy, and baby are doing wonderful :)

Milk mustache!  Aunt Taytay says she nurses like a champ!

A little green bow for St. Patty's Day!

I love buying clothes for Crew, but nothing compares to being able to buy lots of pink and purple!

We LOVE you sweet child...welcome to this big, wonderful world!

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