Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bonita Springs, FL - 2012 - Part 2

This night we went putt-putting!  Crew loves this activity and every time he sees a putt-putt place he begs to go.  This place had tons of great scenery including a jeep and an airplane!

Daddy and Crew played as Momma took some pictures :)

The condo complex where we stayed has a restaurant right below us, so it was very convenient to go have breakfast and then take a walk on the beach in the mornings.

Our days normally went like this:  eat breakfast at the restaurant, go for a short walk on the beach, back to condo to pack lunch for on the beach, back to beach, play in the sand and water, head to pool, then nap for little man, then dinner and back to beach :)

He loved just running down the beach...
And flopping around on the sand and water...

Love these few shots that Daddy got of Crewsie being goofy...

A big bird swooped down and scared him...

Our little water bug...

At Cocount Jacks for dinner...
Our favorite place and it's only a two minute walk from where we stayed...makes it very convenient to have a few restaurants within a minute walk when you have a little one!
Down to the beach after dinner...

Doc's was also right across the street from us...

I told him to pretend he was giving me a smooch...haha!

He loves the pool!

And loves dunking Momma!

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