Friday, July 22, 2011

Wedding Day - Part 2

A lot of these pics are from the reception!  It was sooooooooo much fun and everyone was out on the dance floor having a great time!  As you all know, Crew LOVES to dance and that night was no exception...I think he would have stayed the whole night if we would have let him!  He was also quite the ladies man as you will see in some of the pics! 

Our wonderful grandparents!
Kelly and Joe Chick
Crewsie sucking on a lemon...such a little goofball!

Father Daughter dance
Mother Son dance

And then Crew crashed their dance...

and wouldn't leave the dance floor...

Time to get down!!!!!!!!!!

Some of my Moms friends
Casey's cousin, Robin and Tay

Someone really should have taken those damn drinks out of my hand.....

What a ham...

Great move buddy!

See I told ya...someone should have stopped me...I paid dearly the next day....

I think Crew was in love...not only was she super cute, but she was so sweet and kept dancing with him!

The End!  Actually, it's just the beginning for Casey and Blake!!!  It was a fabulous wedding for a fabulous couple!!!
We love you guys!!!

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