Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2nd half - 4th of July weekend...

We finished off our 4th of July weekend with a little swim in the lake!  The entire family has been enjoying the boat SOOOO much and we are all taking advantage of this gorgeous summer!  Monday we also had a cookout at Popa and Yaya's and Gram and Pops came to visit!
Crew is fearless of the lake (and water in general)...I love that he is such a little fish!
Snack time with Aunt Taytay!
Uncle Blake taught Crewsie to do the "Dougie!"  This is him attempting to do it...
Doritos...his chip of choice!
Uncle Joejoe relaxing!

Popsie showing Crewsie how to "get down!"

Crew's new beach chair that Yaya got him...
My little smarty eating smarties!
Oviously Aunt Casey and Crew didn't want their pic taken...

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