Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Twas' the night before the BIG day!

Last Friday evening we went out to The Blair Center at Westfield Country Club for Blake and Casey's wedding rehearsal!  It was a GORGEOUS evening and the place was looking spectacular!  After rehearsal we went back to my parents house for dinner...they had catered Italian food and it was delicious!  Then it was time to relax before all of the fun festivites the next day!!!
Fun fact:  Me, Tay and Blake all had our wedding receptions here!  Although, Taylor is the only one that had her actual wedding in a church :)  This place does an amazing job each and every time.

Another fun fact:  I was married in 2005, Tay in 2008 and Blake in 2011....each 3 yrs. apart...our family does EVERYTHING in 3' day I will have to write a post to is crazy!

Martha (the minister) saying a prayer before we began...Martha also married Greg and I...such a sweet woman.

Crewsie and Natalia sitting patiently!
Momma and her babe
I think they kinda look alike???  hahahaha!
Aunt Taytay and Uncle Joejoe
Jaime...Casey's little brother
Ally and Adam
Kara and Nick
Anna (Junior Bridesmaid and Casey's cousin)
Flower girl and ring bearer!

Casey and her Dad

The Westfield Inn...hotel right down from The Blair Center where guests stayed.

Momma and her kids!

3 little munchkins

Uncle Blakey giving Crew a gift...
So special!

Mommy being goofy...because Greg made me
And then he made Tay do the same...

Eating REAL Tiramisu (from a REAL Italian guy...hahaha!)  the best ever!

Dad, Mom, Casey and Blake

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