Monday, February 7, 2011


We are back from Kalahari and oh my goodness did we have a BLAST!  We got back yesterday afternoon and we were all exhausted!  We played at the GIGANTIC indoor waterpark all day Saturday and for most of the afternoon Sunday!  I was having so much fun that these were the only pictures I took...I forgot to take any of our condo suite and very few of us at the park.  I wish I would have gotten more of Crewsie going down the slides and stuff, but we were having too much fun to stop and get the camera!  I did however at least get some video!

Crew absolutely LOVED it!  He loved the little kid slides and kiddie water area and he LOVED the huge wave pool!  He is fearless!  His other favorite was the lazy river ride!  He wasn't afraid of anything...even going under the waterfalls!  We all had a ton of fun and can't wait to go back!  Thanks so much Popa and Yaya!
 I took these a couple of hours before we left yesterday!  We were all taking a break and eating some lunch!
 Like I said...I didn't get very many good pics!  Oh well!
 Crewser ready to go back in!
 Aunt Taytay
Because I didn't take many pictures I cheated and posted some from the Kalarhari Resorts website...their website said it's the largest indoor waterpark in America!
I didn't try the below ride but Tay, Joe and Blake did!
 This was my second favorite ride....soooooo much fun!
 Pool bar!
 One of the little kids areas...
 This ride was my FAVORITE!  You shot down this slide and then swirled around until you plopped out!  When you hit the water below you were completely disoriented!  hahaha!
 "Roller Coaster" ride!
We all loved the racer slides...Blake and I are very competitive and I WON!!!!!!!!!
 Lazy River ride
 The huge wave pool!
So much fun and it was only a little over an hour away from home!  Great getaway during the cold winter months!  We will definitely be going back!

A couple pics of what our condo looked like!  I wish I could find a pic of the outside of the hotel is honestly the largest hotel I have ever seen!

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