Friday, November 19, 2010

A Very Merry Mickey Christmas...

I have a feeling it is going to be a Mickey Christmas because my little man LOVES Mickey Mouse!  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the only little kid show he pays attention to...when the music comes on and he hears Mickey talking he gets SOOOOO excited!  He loves Tootles (if anyone has watched it you know who Tootles is!) and he loves the "Hot Dog Dance!"  Oh goodness is it funny when he really gets dancing! 

Anyway, so I was at the store and saw a set of Mickey pajamas and of course had to get them (and by the way these are 3T p.j.'s and honestly he fills them out and I really think I should have gotten the 4T!?).  The other day he saw them and dragged them all around the house...when it came time for bath time we tried to take them from him and it was an all out tantrum!  He can actually wear them now that it is cold enough!
 He loves both Tiki and Mazi...but Mazi is especially tolerant and he can't get enough of her!  He always wants to pick her up and hug her!
 We dressed Mazi up this morning in ther pajamas and Crew thought it was so funny!
 Mazi is making her escape!
This weekend we are so excited to start some of our fun Christmas activities!  The Jingle Bell Jaunt is tomorrow morning downtown Wadsworth and then the Christmas Walk is tomorrow night in Medina!

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