Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Christmas time...well, almost!

Over the weekend we decorated our home inside and outside for Christmas!  I know it is early, but we were all so excited to get the trees up and the house feeling festive!  We usually decorate Thanksgiving weekend, but we couldn't wait!  I think once you start having kids you start feeling like a little kid yourself and I love re-living everything through Crew again!  I will have to take some pics of the trees and house and post them!  Anyway, we still have a little decorating to do outside, but it feels sooooo good to have it done!  Below are a few pics of Crew helping to decorate (by "helping" I mean picking off all of the ornaments as we put them on the tree and asking "what's that?" about 100 times!).
Daddy's little cuddle bug!
On the menu for lunch today...a few chickie nuggets (I try to buy the "healthy" ones!), tomatoes (still LOVES them!), cheese, and banana!
All gone!  My good little eater!

We got our new front and back doors installed and we are THRILLED...I think it is a HUGE improvement to our home...the house seems so much more quiet, definitely warmer and they let in much more light!

Before outside front...

Before outside backyard...
AFTER!  (notice Crew smashing his little face against the glass...he cracks me up!)

Before inside front...

Before inside to backyard...

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