Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Outtakes!

OH MY!  Is all I can say about trying to take a "posed" picture of Crewsie these days!  First, we tried a little photo shoot at home and it went okay...then I tried to get them professionally done and it was worse!  Not that he acts bad, but he just doesn't want to cooperate and sit still!  We must have taken 50 pictures at home, so I wanted to show some of the outtakes and some of the good ones!  All in all I think we got a couple cute pics (after I cropped them down and did some other little adjustments) and I already ordered my Christmas cards, so there is no going back now!  I guess this is what happen when you try to "control" a 20 month old!!!
We tried the sitting pose first...
Sweet little man!
Almost a good one!
One of our Christmas trees!
I love his little smile!
Let's try it standing up...
Are we almost done?
Let me rearrange these ornaments! (This happens quite often!)
Earrings or ornaments?!?!
Ok, let's try sitting him on the bench?!
I'm starting to get antsy!
Aren't I cute Mom?!
Definitely an outtake...hahaha!
A decent family photo!
My little professor...
Trying some in front of the other tree...the change in scenery didn't help him sit still either!
Officially DONE taking pictures!
You know it's over when the clothes start coming off!

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