Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Dreaming...

We have been getting some warmer weather and sunshine! Crew loves looking out the front door...I think he is day dreaming about running around outside and having Mommy take him for rides in his wagon!  I CANNOT wait until we can be going on walks, playing at the park, taking him to the zoo again (with Auntie Tay!), swimming at the pool, eating lunch on our deck, helping Mommy with her flowers, going up to the lake for a sail, and just enjoying the warm Spring and Summer air!  Can you tell that I can't wait for summer!?!?  Haha!

I also cannot wait until Crew's first birthday, which is now less than three weeks away!  Daddy and I went and got all of the decorations the other day and now I need to send out our invitations!  We are doing a "Curious George" theme for our own little monkey!  It will be a great day spent with our families!

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