Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Greg and I predicted back in the middle of January that we thought Crew would be walking sometime in February...Well, we were half right!  Technically he did take his first steps, but I wouldn't say he is walking!  He does GREAT standing by himself now...he seems very comfortable with it...he can lower himself down easily and has even started to stand up!  He is getting better and better at taking four, five and six steps at a time, but sometimes he just crashes!  He has gotten good at letting go of one end of the couch and taking a few steps towards the other end of the couch without touching it!  I hate to make any more predictions...but maybe by his first birthday!?!?!

Crewser is also great at giving out kisses...at first only Momma got them, but now anyone that asks gets one too!  I have also tried to start incorporating his sippy cup into our daily routine...he as gotten pretty good at it!  The last pics are of Crewsie doing some light reading (he had most of these books pulled out and on the floor by the time he was done!)...he gets into every drawer, cupboard, closet, or pantry that he can find!

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