Friday, March 12, 2010

Rides in the Radio Flyer...

The last several days we have been getting great weather! Each day seems to get warmer and warmer with more sun! These pics were from a couple days ago when it was still a little cool out. Mr. Serious was not liking the hat...but he did end up leaving it on!

Crew still loves playing with his cars and walking behind them...he is also starting to play more like a toddler!  I can see him thinking differently and it is fun to watch his little mind working on trying to figure things out!  He is getting good at putting shaped blocks into their correct holes and loves hammering and playing with his "work bench!"  Some of his new favorite snacks are the Pepperidge Farm Baby Goldfish (he loves the cheddar ones!) and the Mini Nilla cookies...he gobbles them up!

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