Monday, March 1, 2010

Moo! Cow's Milk for Crew...

Oh my, this is going to be a challenge! Crew has been a fantastic baby from the very beginning...Greg and I have been very lucky and we are thankful and recognize how wonderful Crew has been! I started noticing this past month that I am slowing nursing less and less and that means a poorer milk supply! I have had my freezer well stocked for months (like 50 bags of frozen milk that I pump!) but slowly since the beginning of the year Crew has been getting bigger bottles of milk inbetween nursings to satisfy him because as you know, he is pretty big for his age...therefore, my stock of milk is dwindling...FAST!!!

I started to get anxious about this earlier in the week and called the pediatrician to ask if I could start to incorporate cow's milk into his bottles and I was given the green light! So, the last several days we have attempted this and ohhhhhh is it difficult! I put 1/8 - 1/4 of an oz. of cow's milk mixed in a 6 oz bottle and you would have thought I put lemon juice in it...Crew litterally threw the bottle out of his mouth! We are adding it to his morning oatmeal and he doesn't seem to mind and I've gotten sneaky getting him to eat it from a bottle! It has taken several days and today was the first morning he actually took a bottle with 1/2 oz. of cow's milk with no fuss...thank goodness! We will slowly be adding more and more and he will eventually be transitioned to regular milk!

The pics above are from Crew waking up from his nap and still wanting to cuddle with his blankie!  He turned 11 months old over the weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 11 month birthday Crew! He is adorable! Great job on the nursing:) It's such a blessing to be able to do this...and, such a bonding experience, as you know!
