Friday, March 26, 2010


I know this is going to be my LONGEST post ever...but Crewsie is so worth it! I have compiled some of my favorite pictures/memories from the past year (although, you will probably notice a lapse of a few months because our computer wasn't working and I had downloaded the pics to my parents computer)...but there are still PLENTY of pictures to share!

These first three photos were actually taken with my camera phone at the hospital, but they are truly my three favorite photos! The first one is of Crew the night he was born laying with was just me and him and I was in HEAVEN!  We had been anticipating Crew's arrival for nine months...I was originally due March 23rd and was induced on the 27th! The third pic down is right before we were discharged from the hospital...I was sooooo ready to be home with our new bundle of was whirl-wind of a couple days and I was ready to sit on my own couch and sleep in my own bed and just cuddle with Crew!

I will NEVER be able to express in words how Greg and I feel about is a feeling, not a word...words are not powerful enough!  It has been the most amazing year of our lives...I remember the first couple months Greg and I would keep saying to each other "Can you believe that he is here and real?!"  We still say to this day..."Can you believe we have a son!?!?"  It is truly a God given is UNBELIEVEABLE and sometimes hard to comprehend!  We could not imagine our lives without would be so dull and boring!  Crew adds so much fun and laughter and light!  I know that our families feel the same way...all of them love and cherish him so much...he is so loved!  Greg and I don't give up Crew for babysitting very often, but when we do there is always a taker!  I want to THANK everyone for their support throughout the last is greatly appreciated by me, Greg and Crew!  Now we are less than 24 hours from Crew turning the big ONE and we are so excited for his party tomorrow.  We are having about 20 family members to celebrate at our home for Crew's birthday!  So even though I am kind of sad that the year has come and gone so quick, I know that there are many, many, many, happy years to come!  HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY CREW!  MOMMY AND DADDY LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH :)

(FYI: At the bottom of the blog you will have to hit "Older Posts" to go to the next page to see the rest of the pictures I posted from the last year!)

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