Saturday, May 17, 2014

May with the babes...and grow with me day!

Last week at Crewsies preschool was "grow with me" day!  We got to see how he has grown from the first day of school to the last.  He drew a pic of himself at the beginning of school and one at the end and it was so neat to see how his writing skills and drawing skills have developed in the last 8 months.

This year he was in the 4 yr. old class on tues. and thurs. and next year he will be in the pre-k class Monday thru Thursdays 9:15-12:00.  We feel that whole day kindergarten (being gone 7 hours a day!) is way too much for a five year old and way too much for me!  I will never be able to replace the extra year I get with him before we start official school. Only one kid from his preschool class is going to kindergarten and the rest of the kids will be in pre-k with him.  It's a personal decision and it is 100% the right one for our family :)
Crew and I created a little gnome garden last week.  It was so much fun!  He named the gnomes "Boots and Oots!"  We bought a little bird house and he painted and decorated it all by himself :)

We finally were able to take a ride on Popa and Yaya's pontoon boat!  It was a gorgeous evening.
Having lunch on the deck with mommy!
Then it rained and we decided to play in it...he though this was soooo much fun!
Grammy and sissy :)

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