Friday, May 16, 2014

Dentist check-up...

Unlike most people, I love going to the dentist!  Call me weird...I know!  I try to make any and all doc appts fun for the kids.  I know they will not all be fun but I don't want them to be afraid of doctors, etc.  I want them to understand that it's part of life and something we need to so to keep ourselves healthy and feeling good. 
Ironically, the morning of Crews appointment, while brushing his teeth, I noticed an adult tooth coming up behind his baby tooth!  I was shocked!  The doc told him that he needs to try and wiggle it often and get it out.  Then his tongue will naturally push the adult tooth forward and hopefully line up correctly.
After both of our appointments (I love that we can knock them out together!) we went to lunch...just me and my buddy!

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