Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hiking with my best buddy...

I appreciate one on one time with my buddy soooooo much more now since sissy has been born. Don't get me wrong...I love spending time with both my babes together, but now there's something extra special when I get Crew all to myself.  We went on a hike through the woods close to out house about a month ago.  It was so relaxing to just walk without hearing anything except the little rippling creek as we crunched through the "forest" (as Crew calls it).
We were fossil hunting.  Crew is soooo into looking for dinosaur fossils right now :)
He acts like such a little grown up.
I took his pick on the rock and then he wanted to take mine.  Like I said, such a little grown up sometimes :)

We found walking sticks...I told him we always did this with Popsie done got very excited.  We still have the sticks in our garage waiting for our next hike :)

What a precious little soul he is....

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