Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catch up...

I'm always doing random weekly wrap up posts from my phone pics...but that's as good as it gets for now!  I feel like we have been so busy since about mid-October.  Honestly, I CANNOT believe its Novemeber 17!  It was just Halloween like yesterday!  Anyway, we've been with the usual stuff, but it seems like time is going doubly fast!  
We were at Kohls the other day and they have this neat green screen for the kids and a special app.  Crewsie thought it was fun :)

Sunday morning tickles with daddy :)
Saturday morning breakfast with the family!
Errands with daddy for crewsie...and errands with Mommy for Capri!

Lunch time with the little stinkers!
We got a little snow this week and crew was VERY excited!  Today it's 62...weird!

Watching "Home Alone" in our Santa hats!
He was very excited to wear his new coat to school!

We play with Play Doh at least a couple times per week...he loves it!

PriPri getting stuck behind the couch...such a monkey!
Already wanting to feed herself...and making a mess!

Crew wanted to write Santa a note...I wrote down exactly what he said!
This turkey stands up every time I try to change her.  Her brother never did this!

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