Saturday, November 2, 2013

Capri is 10 months!

Oh, baby girl...where has the time gone!  10 months...just seems crazy.  You are our little princess, our Jinkies, Jinkers, Gina, my ham bone, my hound doggie, my chunky butt, and every other crazy nick name we call you!  

Here are some stats:
Estimate weight: 20 lbs.
7th tooth is through and 8th is on its way
Still in size 3 diapers
3.5 shoe
Standing at EVERYTHING and cruising!
Trying to climb on everything!
Will stand for a few seconds on her own
Waving and giving open mouth kisses.  I will say "Give momma a kiss!" And she leans in with an open mouth!  I love it!
Saying mama and dada.
Nurses 4-6 times per day
Takes 2 naps anywhere from 1.5-3 hours each.
Sleeps 11-12 hours per night
Eats pretty much whatever we eat!  Her eating skills have been amazing since she was 5.5 months old.  
Loves her brother Lighting McQueen ride in toy...Crewsie loved the same toy when he was her age.  
I could say it over and over again but you are an absolute joy.  Everyone that is around you thinks the same thing.  People tell me constantly what a wonderful and happy baby you are just like your brother. God truly blessed us with two angels!

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