Monday, November 25, 2013

Capri is 11 months old!

Oh my goodness...each month that goes by my heart aches a little more knowing that this little one is closer to being a 1 year old!  I think about the saying "The days are long, but the years are short." quite often.  It's incredibly true.  When I was younger I would hear older adults say things like "Wait until you have a little one of your own and you will see how fast time flies by!"  Well, I really didn't get it until now...especially with a second child.  There are days (especially when they are newborn) that you think are never going to end...and then all of sudden they're 6 months old and then a year.  I have to be honest and say that it makes me sad, but I always try to remind myself that watching them get older is awesome and a good thing.  I love the baby stage and wish it would last longer. But I can't stop time so I will enjoy every moment of watching my children grow!
This sweet pea...she is an angel.  There is really no other way to describe her. She is just about perfect in every way. She's laid back, sweet, energetic, and affectionate.  Crewsie definitely seems to have my personality and this little one seems to favor her Daddy so far. 
Capri 11 month stats:
Still in size 3 diapers

Size 3.5-4 shoe

18-24 month clothing (mainly 18 month on bottom and 18-24 for tops)

Pretty much same sleep schedule as last month. But I notice if I out hre down a little later in the am she takes about a 3.5 hour nap and doesn't need a late afternoon nap.  She also goes to be earlier than Crew ever did. She has no problem going down around 7-7:30pm.

She loves strawberries and yogurt!  She could eat her weight in both!

Way more of a monkey/climber than crew was.

She can stand for quite awhile in her own but won't take a step forward yet!

She's a rascal when it comes to brushing her teeth!

Has eight teeth thru her little gums :)

She loves reading books with mommy and brother

Loves playing peek-a-boo!

Says momma and dada all if the time and babbles a lot.  Seems like she tries to say hot!, bye bye, and makes a"B" noise a lot when looking at Crew...I'm thinking she trying I say "brother?"
We love you so much baby girl!  Can't wait to celebrate your first birthday...well, actually I could wait, but until I find that magic button to stop time we will be celebrating!!!

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