Monday, August 13, 2012

Staying busy...again!

We have had so much fun this summer! It has gone by waaaaay to fast and I can't believe it's mid-august! I don't want it to end, but I have to admit that fall is my favorite time of year...and honestly, this pregnant momma is ready for some cooler weather!

The last week and a half we have stayed very busy! August 3rd was Popsie's 80th birthday and we celebrated at Yaya's house! Last Monday I had my 20 week anatomy scan and all looked great (more on that in another post!), we swam with some of our preschool friends, we went and visited with cousin Addisyn and her new baby brother, swam at the new country club that Popa and Yaya joined (which has a huge water slide that Crew went down no less than 50 times!), my friend Emily visited with her little boy Cash, Crewsie got a haircut, did some shopping on Friday and Crew picked out his Halloween costume, Saturday we went to Larken and Lachlan's pony bday party and Saturday night we babysat Isla, and Sunday we were up at our boat with Grammy and Grandpa and sailed and swam in the pool and topped it off with an Italian dinner at Marconi's! It was a great week :)

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