Friday, August 24, 2012

Pregnancy update!

Watch our little peanut grow!!! I am currently 23 weeks and feeling good! I had morning sickness (throwing up and nauseous every day until about 19 weeks!) and now just some nausea. Overall feeling much, much better. With Crew I was the same way and gave in and took Zofran every once in a great while, but this time I really wanted to not take any medicine. So, I toughed it out...although, I have to admit some days were pretty yucky :( I also feel like I've gotten my energy back. I still feel like I get tired faster, but overall better. I'm having a lot more "growing pains" this time around. With Crew I didn't have any of the round ligament pain, but this time I'm definitely feeling it. It's not horrible, but some days I just feel achy. I'm sleeping pretty good too...some nights better than others. Not really craving anything...sometimes I just want something really cold and a mango popscicle usually hits the spot! I started feeling the flutters around 17-18 weeks and now they are full on kicks and squirms! This peanut has a kicking and boxing match everyday in my tummy...and I LOVE IT! I thought Crew was an active baby in womb, but I swear she is even more so...maybe I just don't remember as much with him!? But either way it cracks me up at how powerful she is for still being so little.

I went in for my 20 week anatomy ultrasound on Aug. 6th. Those ultrasounds are always exciting and stressful at the same time. I love seeing my little peanut, but I also wanted to know that all looked good with her and it did! It's amazing what they can see with the ultrasound and how they check every organ, etc. She was measuring in at 13 ounces and heartbeat was 156. Her heartbeat has been in the 150's almost every time (Crew's was more up and down). I measured at 20 weeks 4 days, so just a couple days ahead of schedule. Doc also said that placenta was a little low so we will go back in 10 weeks to make sure it has moved. She was also laying somewhat in a breach/transverse position. Let's hope she gets head down before the big day!!!

We have also started the nursery! We painted it a light pink..."pink stork" to be exact!!! We also freshened the room up and painted the ceiling, replaced all the electrical outlets with baby proof ones, and replaced the ceiling fan. We even got the crib, glider, dresser, and changing table set up! I bought some fabric for the curtains and fabric to re-cover the glider...I will be dropping that off at the seamstress this week! I am very anxious/excited to have the nursery done and organized....nesting began very early with this pregnancy :)

Above: ultrasound about 6.5 weeks Below: about 7.5 weeks
20 week ultrasound! We think it looks a lot like her brothers, but who knows!

Below: 23 weeks!

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