Monday, August 13, 2012

Catch-up time!!! YIPEEE!!!

The past few months have been crazy with trying to get pics uploaded to the blog...I think I've got it figured out...FINALLY...AGAIN...fingers crossed! I have only been able to post phone pics from my Blogger App on my phone and that gets boring...the pics with my real camera are so much better :) So here we go...these are from a few weeks ago when Isla came over to visit one day...aren't they precious!?

Popa and Yaya joined a new country club, so we went swimming there one day last week! Looking forward to using this pool for a few more weeks. It's a "zero entry" pool which is WONDERFUL with little ones and it has an awesome water slide that Crewsie loved! Next time I will get a pic of him going down it!

Below are some pics from Popsie's 80th birthday party!!! Isla is so strong and she is already trying to crawl!
Look at that little ham! Aunt Tay and Uncle Joe are going to have their hands full ;)

Popsie opening up some gifts!

Popa got a new basketball hoop and Crewsie LOVES shooting hoops!!!
The sports Crew seems to show the most interest in right now are baseball and basketball!

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