Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow days...

Well, we've been having an unseasonably warm winter (which you will NEVER hear me complain about!), but we have had a little snow.  It seems to snow one day, stick around for a few days and then we get warm in the 50's or high 40's!  Crazy!  When we do get snow Crew pretty much begs to go outside and play in it.  We still haven't made it to an actual sled riding hill, but I'm sure we will get some white stuff again soon enough...but if we didn't I would not be sad!
He loves to just roll around in it!
My little snow angel!

He loves being pulled around in his sled.

Please excuse our head gear...cracks me up!

My little eskimo!

The pics below are from another day.  We still had snow on the ground, but it was much warmer and we were outside for a LONG time!  We even took a walk around the neighborhood.

Crewsie tried "tasting" the snow!
He was not a was like he didn't know how to eat it!

I love this "warm" winter we have been having, but I still can't wait for Spring time!  And the arrival of Aunt Taytay's little one!!!  Her baby shower is this Sunday and I can't much fun!

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